mental note 3 oktober 2019

kepikiran buat bunuh diri karena udah ngerasa ada gunanya lagi di dunia ini.

males untuk ngapa2in, males untuk berusaha, pengennya mati aja krn ga akan ada yg mikirin gw jg.

tapi takut sakit, bukan takut mati.

bisa ga sih matinya pas lagi tidur aja dan ga usah bangun lg?

atau di bunuh atau di tabrak gitu? jadi gw ga perlu usaha utk bunuh diri gw. if anyone wants to kill me i would gladly say "sure, but please make it painless."

i dont have any feeling to this world anymore, but i still dont wanna feel pain when i die. i believe nothingness is the only thing that will pick me up there.

do people would miss me? i dont know
but im sure many will talk about me, about everything, how they regret "this" but do nothing. no, i dont blame them. even i do nothing about this.

can i just... disappear?
im losing my grip to my reality.
i just wanna die to nothingness


  1. This is some serious blog post.
    Are you okay? Have you reached out to someone or to an expert?
    Every life matters!


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