Bee for Bi Curious

heads up people! im in a good mood today!
as i promised earlier i will give you another story.

kalian tentu sudah ngebaca post gw Bee for Bisex? are you sure?
disitu gw menceritakan tentang pengalaman gw dengan E.T. he was a straight until he met me. please do NOTE that he's still banging on girls and dating them, he's a womanizer. which lead me to 1 question, menurut mereka(straight guy) term kata Bi curious itu seperti apa sih?

IMFO(In My Fucking Opinion) Bi Curious is a feeling of straight guy/girl yang penasaran terhadap Bisexual thing. mungkin bisa dengan mencari tahu gaya sex kita(gay) lewat film bokep, or just simply by reading my blog! :))

but after i studied about it for a while, that's not it! :O :O
Wikipedia stated that Bi Curious is also happen on gay/homosexual who have a curiosity on bisexual thing. so it's vice versa.
Bi curious ini bisa in term of sex and even in term of relationship, means with feeling too.
one point to note that Bi curious is basically a term for anyone who experience curiousity on Bisexual, but refuse to be labeled as bisexual. you might say "gay in denial" or "discreet bisexual" or whatever. tapi pada kenyataannya Bi curious ini lebih mengedepankan kata2 "nyoba" atau "eksperimen" terhadap hal baru, hal yang belom pernah dia coba, tanpa harus merasa menyelam masuk ke dunia itu, dan tentu saja di label.

di amerika dan eropa sendiri sudah ada penelitian bahwa setiap pria pasti pernah merasakan/mengalami Gay activity (bisa oral, anal atau lainnya) setidaknya sekali dalam hidupnya. dan biasa terjadi pada umur 15-30tahun.
walaupun itu ngga bisa dijadiin patokan di indonesia, pada kenyataannya LSL(laki-laki yang berhubungan seksual dengan laki-laki lain) di survey ada 3juta untuk tahun 2012, and that's EXCLUDE GAY!.

Reed, my dear friend, told me that LSL doesnt mean that they're gay. dan alasan LSL itu bisa bermacam-macam. bisa ngga sengaja, diperkosa, sexual abuse or Bi Curious!

dari beberapa fakta-fakta inilah makanya gue penasaran dengan Bi Curious. so i was Interviewing 3 of my friends. they're straight, but as i said above, bi curious.

First i have E.T.

Me : hey T! gue mau nanya. are you still dating and fucking girls?
E.T : fo sho! emangnya kenapa bee?
Me : well, do you have any gay encounter and ended having sex like us before?
E.T : errr, so far belom... gue juga ngga ngerti kenapa waktu itu gue bisa mau ML sama lo.. hahaha
Me : ohh!!! jadi kamu nyesel??
E.T : hahaha kidding bee :*
tapi memang ngga tahu deh kenapa gue bisa mau ML sama lo waktu itu. i mean, i really like tits and pussy. but the way you seduce me it's like my mind saying "well whatever, i got a boner, therefore i fuck"
E.T : but it's true! waktu itu entah mengapa gw sangat enjoy di flirting dan di rayu sama lo. it's like im being wanted, gw diinginkan..
Me : well, D'oh! siapa yang ngga mau sama badan kayak kamu gitu... so ofcourse i wanted you, and still want you.
E.T : iya ngerti, tapi rasanya beda aja ketika dirayu elo, beda dengan ketika cewek-cewek ngedeketin gw. i really enjoy the moment when you seduce me, and worship me.
Me : so what are you now? Bisexual? or straight?
E.T : i dunno, i think i'm straight, dan ga kepikiran juga buat pacaran sama cowok. i love girls.
Me : so if i seduce you again, you will not gonna take and pound me?
E.T : ahhh difficult question... i can't say that was a bad experience. so... i dunno.
Me : haha :D noted and point taken.

and the second is Bryan, he's one of my blog reader from queens, USA. he's indonesian, but lived abroad. somehow he contact me thru my email that i post on twitter :
and telling about his story.
im not gonna quote on his story, intinya adalah dia bingung sama jati diri dia apa... apakah dia straight/bi/gay. therefore he googled, and found me.
he stated that he likes and enjoys to read gay story, and watching gay porn. ngga sampai disitu, dia pun mencoba buat ngambil langkah dengan berkenalan dengan gay di daerahnya. orang yang dia temui itu sebenernya more than okay. got the body and even has a good look. tapi dia ngga horny bagaimana pun caranya ketika si foreigner ini mancing libido dia. he took the kiss, dan bahkan di blow job segala. tapi dia ngga ngaceng ataupun horny. so they stop. dan kejadian ini terjadi beberapa kali dan selalu berakhir sama. to put it simply. he just curious and aroused when he saw a gay porn and reading gay story. but never aroused and horny when it comes to real life. anehh beudhhh yak x)) gw mah kalo udah tinggal di NYC kayak gitu pasti nyicip segala ras yang ada, kecuali negro. x)))))

and the third and the last is Reed. though he said that he's straight but i think he's Bi Curious. i discuss a lot with him.
menurut reed, yang namanya Bi Curious itu cuma penasaran aja... ngga sampe ngelakuin hubungan seksual. well kalopun sampe ngelakuin sekali it might be a mistake, he says. tapi kalau udah 2 kali itu sih namanya ketagihan and clearly a bisexual. not just Bi curious.

so what about you reed? i know you read this post. i've pound your sexy ass, and you're just smiling. i hug you a little and you're just okey with that. and i even rubbing your nice big bicep, and you're just stay silent as if it was nothing.

HAHAHAHAHAHA dah ahh ntar gw di kepruk sama reed kalo TMI x))

P.S. : just wish me luck so i can post more about reed. x))

BeeBuzz of the Day

Meet Jawa. not his best shot, but if you see the other photo of him you'll jaw-drop yourself. but no, i will not gonna share it. just search it. he's one of my friend and my follower on @bahamutrule
he's a professional worker, his voice is angel-like, and makes me horny just by hearing it. HAHAHAHA. and he's currently single!! so grab him!
